Welcome to my blog!  My name is Jessica and I come from a big Catholic family in Wichita, Kansas. Now I live in Arkansas with my husband, Ryan, my two kids, Caleb and Michaela, and our two cats, Flower and Domino. Ryan would say that is two cats too many, but I know he loves them deep down

I enjoy gardening, reading, and my two kids keep me pretty busy. I also have an active faith life. So these facets of my life will be a frequent source of inspiration for my blog. I felt called to start this blog – I don’t know exactly why – but I believe this may be part of my spiritual journey and mental well being. Hopefully you found my blog and read something that resonates with you. I pray that whoever reads these words finds the hope, inspiration, joy, or love that they need. 

Above all, I hope you enjoy my musings much like sharing a bottle of wine between friends late into the night. You know, those conversations that circle the globe of topics from happy memories, exciting finds, frustrated rantings, and deep philosophical thoughts. Feel free to share my blog with a friend who might enjoy walking along with me during my journey. The more the merrier!

With love, 


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